Monday, October 26, 2009


Storybook Remix.

MySpace Playlist at

Hesitant to pursue either/or.
Might just fall in love with either/or.
Try to possess either/or.
Get my heart broken by either/or.
So I say fuck either/or.
Pretend I dont care about either/or.
To prevent myself from suffering a swift roundhouse kick to the mind, body and soul by either/or.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Do you kiss your Mother with that dirty mouth?

I have a love for well written erotic stories and I recently picked up a book called "Macho Sluts" with tales in Sadomasochism and all that other dominant/submissive hoobla. And sure these stories are appealing on paper and as portrayed on television... but in reality...

not so much.
I'll experiment and might want to be knocked around a little, but if you EVER come at me with a request such as this...ACCESS DENIED.
All of this brings me to an interesting movie starring Maggie Gyllenhaal based on the same freakish circumstances:

Heard of it?

The absence of creative expression = irregular moods + bad dreams + unecessary tears x forced relationships / false feelings of happiness
Keep moving.
keep creating.
keep reading/ writing.
Catch your breath...
3- 2- 1
keep moving.
keep creating.
keep reading/writing.

Its Friday Night.

Hung out in WeHo this weekend. Here Lounge & The Abbey to be exact.
got drunk.
met new people.
pissed people off.
threw up my life.
twas a good night.

One thing that bothers me is men going to gay clubs to pick up women. I do not want to groove with all.
do not ask.
do not sneak up behind me.
do not ask to buy me a drink...(ok maybe just 1)
do not ask for my number so we can be friends.
just...DO NOT.

Where the Wild Things Are

Im glad to see that most of us have YET to lose our imaginations. There were ABSOLUTELY no kiddies in sight when I went to see this movie.
Although my only memory of "Where the Wild Things Are" were the characters and not the actual book, I have a soft spot and a teary eye for movies that take me places...this was one of them.
Fall in Love.

